WORKER FIRED AFTER BEING OFF WITH THE FLU. WHAT HAPPENED TO PAID LEAVE? QUESTION: Until two weeks ago, I was an hourly worker at a Detroit warehouse. I got a really bad case of the flu, so I missed five days of
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TALK ABOUT STRIP-CLUB VISITS DISTRESSES FEMALE WORKER QUESTION: I’m one of only a few female workers in an office of mostly guys. A couple of men who sit near me often talk about women in what I feel is a demeaning way,
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TALK ABOUT STRIP-CLUB VISITS DISTRESSES FEMALE WORKER QUESTION: I’m one of only a few female workers in an office of mostly guys. A couple of men who sit near me often talk about women in what I feel is a demeaning way,
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OK, BUT EXPECT A CHALLENGE TO UNEMPLOYMENT CLAIM. QUESTION: Until last January, a co-worker and I were responsible for writing, editing and layout of several newsletters for different companies. In February, my co-worker, who had been heroically battling cancer, passed away. In the
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EMPLOYER’S DISCRIMINATORY APPEARANCE CODE MAKES WORKER’S HAIR STAND ON END QUESTION: Our company recently announced a new “Appearance Code,” which not only limits what people can wear, but how we style our hair. Men are forbidden to wear their hair in any
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WORKING ON CHRISTMAS DAY? EXTRA PAY IS OPTIONAL QUESTION: I own a small, independent gas station. We’ve decided to stay open on Christmas Day. Do I have to pay my employees extra for working that day? ANSWER: In Michigan, private employers, like
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