Article was in the Morning Sun Students have limited rights where school is concerned
EMPLOYEE OUT ON JURY DUTY FOR THREE WEEKS AND COUNTING, WHAT CAN EMPLOYER DO? QUESTION: One of our workers was called to jury duty in a federal case. He’s been out for three weeks, and the case is still going. Meanwhile, work
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DOES THE U.S. JUSTICE DEPARTMENT POSITION MEAN AN END TO TRANSGENDER RIGHTS IN THE WORKPLACE? QUESTION: I read that the Justice Department says the Civil Rights Act does not apply to transgender people. Does this mean that the law has changed? ANSWER:
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WINDSTORM SHUT THE OFFICE DOWN; DO WE STILL HAVE TO PAY SALARIED WORKERS? QUESTION: Overnight, a violent windstorm took out the power to our building, shutting down all our PCs. When employees arrived, we told them to go home and offered to
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IS BEING MORBIDLY OBESE A DISABILITY UNDER THE ADA? QUESTION: A long-term employee has gained a huge amount of weight in the time she has worked here. Now she wants to have her work station moved to the front door because her
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TOO SMALL TO BE SUED UNDER ADA? LOOK OUT FOR SUIT UNDER STATE LAW! QUESTION: One of my workers recently asked me for an accommodation due to a back injury: He needs to sit down for 10 minutes every hour. I only
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EMPLOYEE GAVE THREE WEEKS’ NOTICE TODAY, CAN I ASK HIM TO LEAVE TOMORROW? QUESTION: An employee just gave notice that he is leaving the firm in three weeks. I can easily fill his position; can I let him go tomorrow? ANSWER: Not
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I JUST TURNED 26, AND AM LOSING MY INSURANCE COVERAGE, WHAT CAN I DO? QUESTION: I received my master’s degree in June, started getting student loan bills in July, and now it looks like I’m about to lose insurance coverage through my
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WORKING SO MANY HOURS ON SALARY, I’M NOT MAKING MINIMUM WAGE! QUESTION: Back in November, I started a new job handling social media for a small firm. I was told I’d be on salary, and that I might have to work a
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IS AN OVERNIGHT STAY IN HOSPITAL A ‘SERIOUS HEALTH CONDITION’ UNDER FMLA? QUESTION: I work the third shift at a factory (8 p.m. to 5 a.m.). Around 1:30 a.m., I started feeling really sick (my heart was pounding so hard it hurt).
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