ARE YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR UNEMPLOYMENT FOR WORKER WHO LEFT FOR MEDICAL REASONS? QUESTION: One of my employees was diagnosed with a cancer, and told everyone he would be leaving the company to undergo treatment. Before he left, he asked for three months’
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CONTRACT EMPLOYEE WANTS LEAVE; DOES WORKPLACE EMPLOYER HAVE TO REHIRE? QUESTION: I work in Human Resources at a large company. In addition to our “permanent” workforce, we hire almost a hundred people through a staffing agency, to work for us on short-term,
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WINDSTORM SHUT THE OFFICE DOWN; DO WE STILL HAVE TO PAY SALARIED WORKERS? QUESTION: Overnight, a violent windstorm took out the power to our building, shutting down all our PCs. When employees arrived, we told them to go home and offered to
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IS AN OVERNIGHT STAY IN HOSPITAL A ‘SERIOUS HEALTH CONDITION’ UNDER FMLA? QUESTION: I work the third shift at a factory (8 p.m. to 5 a.m.). Around 1:30 a.m., I started feeling really sick (my heart was pounding so hard it hurt).
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WORKING ON CHRISTMAS DAY? EXTRA PAY IS OPTIONAL QUESTION: I own a small, independent gas station. We’ve decided to stay open on Christmas Day. Do I have to pay my employees extra for working that day? ANSWER: In Michigan, private employers, like
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