PENALTY FOR UNEMPLOYMENT FRAUD REDUCED — BUT NOT UNTIL JULY QUESTION: Two years ago, I received unemployment benefits when I shouldn’t have, and the Unemployment Insurance Agency asked me to repay the benefits, plus a quadruple penalty. I heard that the penalties
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SALARY HISTORY A NO-NO IN JOB INTERVIEW? QUESTION: One of my co-workers says it’s illegal to ask about a job applicant’s salary at their last job. I say there’s no law against it. There’s $20 riding on your answer. Who’s right? ANSWER:
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CONTRACT EMPLOYEE WANTS LEAVE; DOES WORKPLACE EMPLOYER HAVE TO REHIRE? QUESTION: I work in Human Resources at a large company. In addition to our “permanent” workforce, we hire almost a hundred people through a staffing agency, to work for us on short-term,
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IS CANCER A DISABILITY? QUESTION: I was diagnosed with breast cancer last month. My employer seemed sympathetic and told me I should schedule leave when I need it, but last week I was laid off. I was told the company was restructuring,
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QUESTION: An employee filed a complaint with our Payroll Department, stating his hours had been incorrectly calculated. We decided to investigate his claim and I met with him. I told him he should not discuss any information related to the investigation until
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CANCER AWARENESS PIN VICTIM OF OVERLY BROAD DRESS CODE QUESTION: The company I work has a dress code that prohibits wearing any kind of “message” clothing when dealing with the public. I wore a little pin on my lapel for Cancer Awareness,
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OUR READERS HAVE ASKED: WHAT RIGHTS DOES THE SECOND AMENDMENT PROTECT? QUESTION: With the recent shooting in Parkland, Florida there has been a lot of talk about gun control and people’s Second-Amendment rights. But, what exactly are the rights under the Second
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HANDBOOK PROHIBITS ‘DISRESPECTFUL CONDUCT’ – WHAT’S WRONG WITH THAT? QUESTION: My company recently revised its Employee Handbook. In addition to providing rules on handling discrimination and sexual harassment and setting out the procedures for obtaining benefits, the handbook establishes rules for employee
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CAN BOSS LAYOFF WORKER WHO IS OUT ON FMLA LEAVE? QUESTION: I own a business which is cyclical. My employees know that no job here is forever. A couple of months ago, one of my employees asked for leave under the Family
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TO BE A TRUSTEE OR NOT TO BE? ANSWER DEPENDS ON TRUST – AND YOU QUESTION: My father, a retired French professor, wants to set up a trust that will pay for each of his 21 grandchildren (now ages 2 to 23)
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